In the Beginning is a progressive piece. It set off with a basic dark and light composition. My goal was to incorporate some interesting texture. Once the background was set, I added some accent colors by integrating an interesting complementary shape. I drew a very abstract outline of a bird and filled it with geometric shapes. Thus, Winter Flight was born.

Immediately following, Genesis 1 came to mind. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

I replaced the geometric shapes with random Hebrew letters. God created the universe by speaking and the descending letters embody this concept in an abstract manner. The top and bottom symbolize waters above and the face of the deep, whereas the black represents the darkness. The Spirit of God is often portrayed as a winged-like form or a cloud of fire. It worked perfectly with my existing bird-like shape. The orange color denotes the aspect of fire. I created a second version with blue hues since it’s my favorite color and it’s reminiscent of water mentioned in the above scripture reference.
Along the right side of the plummeting Alefbet is Genesis 1:1-5 in Hebrew.

A little side note. My previous painting just received a Certificate of Excellence from CIRCLE Foundation for the Arts—A platform for everything visual art).