Tonight begins Day 42 of the Omer. With only one week left, I’d like to send you my latest work and extend the age-old invitation to prepare yourself for Shavuot.
Counting of the Omer is an important verbal counting of each of the forty-nine days between the second day of Passover and the beginning of Shavuot (Leviticus 23:15–16).
Counting of the Omer is a mixed media piece combining traditional painting and textures with the fluidity of Illustrator.
The bottom part represents the Exodus from Egypt in the form of a turbulent swell (parting of the Sea), which signifies the physical redemption. It culminates in Shavuot (the giving of the Torah at Sinai) with its counterpart—the spiritual redemption. The wave is made up of 49 sections; one for each day of the counting of the Omer.
Hope you enjoy it.