Please enjoy this Rosh Hashanah greeting and feel free to download, print or share.

Steps to copy the image
1: Right-click on image Step 2: Save Image As… (put it in a folder on your computer that you can easily find). It’s ready to print or share.
Here is a short description of the artwork.
Rosh Hashanah (2020 Version) is a simplistic rendition. Presently, some elements of the holidays such as the joy of celebrating together have been restricted during Covid-19. Likewise, this version is devoid of most of the traditional visual elements. It only features the central fundamentals.
The circular patterns allude to Rosh Hashanah’s commemoration of the creation of the world (universe) and also the cyclical nature of Jewish life and holidays. It depicts the shofar as Rosh Hashanah is known in the Torah as Yom Teruah—a day for sounding the shofar (Numbers 29:1).
The shofar’s blast serves as a call to repentance. May we all take this time of repentance to heart and more than any other year, may we be granted a sweet new year!