Parashot Vayikra BERESHIT (click here to see the Bereshit series) SHEMOT (click here to see the Shemot series) VAYIKRA (Click here to see the Vayikra series BAMIDBAR (click here to see the Bamidbar series) Vayikra with HebrewVayikra וַיִּקְרָאTzav with HebrewTzav צַוTzav with HebrewTzav צַוShemini with HebrewShemini שְּׁמִינִי Tazria with HebrewTazria תַזְרִיעַTazria with HebrewTazria תַזְרִיעַMetzora with HebrewMetzora מְצֹרָע Acharei Mot with HebrewAcharei Mot אַחֲרֵי מוֹתKedoshim with HebrewKedoshim קְדֹשִׁיםEmor with HebrewEmor אֱמֹרBehar with HebrewBehar בְּהַרBechukotai with HebrewBechukotai בְּחֻקֹּתַי